
Storytelling Workshops

Customized instruction for storytellers of all sorts–traditional, folk tales, mythology, local history, character tales–designed for your performers and their unique needs.

Taking It To The Next Level

The truth is that no weekend workshop is going to help you develop amazing performing skills. Like any artform, these skills take investment, time, and practice to develop. That said, your average performing arts teacher is not going to know the idiosyncrasies of our Art Form. Storytelling Workshops has a big advantage. We start from a Re-enactor/Storytelling background and add the experience as a Christmas Performer. This is probably the best fit when we look at the variety of skills it takes to make a Character come to life!

When you book one of our workshops, classes, or sessions, we help you save time, money, and help you find the specific resources, knowledge, and training you need.

Some Other Advantages

Know How and Know Who!

Robert Seutter (aka Santa True) has over 30 years of performing experience. He lives just north of Los Angeles, and he is always upgrading and working on his knowledge. During the past 30 years, he’s co-created a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to promoting the folk arts, worked in the Broadcast Industry for many years, and been involved in some amazing re-enactment organizations. Why is this important? He knows a lot of people from performing arts teachers, to costumers and builders of special effects, to dialect coaches and craftsmen and women. He works with those people regularly to make certain that he is bringing the latest and greatest to the Storytelling Workshop line-up. And for some workshops, he can bring in these experts in as guest lecturers to share what they know. He’s always looking for additional speakers and new content for our community.

Coaching for Character Performers is Different

There are all sorts of training and coaching methods. Storytelling and re-enacting training depend specifically on your unique personality and innate creativity. Developing the speed and reflexes that you need when you deal with an audience that is directly interacting with you takes a unique skill set. Understanding that creative process and how to help performers organically develop their own unique and amazing characters requires training in a style of coaching that has been developed in the storytelling community for many decades.

Rethinking the Performer Community

Every art form goes through periods of evolution. The demands of our craft are continually evolving.

Research and Lore Mastery

As a professional Re-enactor Storyteller (as True Thomas the Storyteller), researching history and folklore has become second nature to True. And so as Santa True, he works hard to increase his knowledge on Christmas Lore. This knowledge can be used to inspire and edu-tain his clients and classes. If you want to create a great back story, it helps to know the story so far!